Jul 19, 2024
Cleaning a cat’s teeth can be something that’s overlooked, but a cat’s dental health matters. Cats can experience oral health issues, which can be painful for them and detrimental to their overall health. They can develop tooth and gum disease, but by maintaining a dental care routine, you can prevent cat dental issues.
You should aim to brush your cat’s teeth every day, as regular brushing can help prevent dental diseases. Here’s a guide on how to clean your cat’s teeth at home.
Here’s How to Clean Your Cat’s Teeth at Home
Cleaning your cat’s teeth will help keep your cat healthy and happy. Follow these steps to cleaning your cat’s teeth at home:
Gather Your Supplies: Cat Toothbrush and Toothpaste
The first thing to do is to gather all the necessary supplies for cat teeth cleaning. Always remember that you should use pet-friendly supplies, meaning you should use a cat toothbrush and cat toothpaste.
Cats have small mouths and teeth, so you need to use a toothbrush that’s specifically designed for them. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush for cats or a finger toothbrush.
For the toothpaste, it’s important not to use human toothpaste, as it contains ingredients that can be harmful to cats. Make sure to use pet toothpaste.
Additionally, don’t forget to prepare treats for your cat. You will need these treats during the teeth cleaning session and after it’s done.
Make Sure Your Cat Is in a Comfortable Position
Before you begin cleaning your cat’s teeth at home, make sure that they are placed in a comfortable position. This will help your cat relax while you clean their teeth. You can put your cat in your lap or in a comfortable spot where you can easily reach your cat’s mouth.
Your cat may not like getting their teeth cleaned, so you can consider wrapping your cat in a towel to keep them from trying to escape or scratching.
Additionally, remember that you should also be comfortable. Make sure to be in a comfortable position to be able to clean your cat’s teeth properly. Also, consider wearing long sleeves or gloves to protect yourself from scratching or if your cat tries to escape.
Get Your Cat Used to Having Their Mouth and Teeth Touched
Before you put a toothbrush near your cat’s mouth, you should get them used to having their mouth and teeth touched first. After getting them in a comfortable position, gently pet your cat’s head and face, lift their lips, and then touch their teeth.
Massage your cat’s teeth and gums regularly until they get used to it. Give your cat lots of praise and treats after doing so. The goal is to make your cat accustomed to you handling their mouth. After that, you can introduce the pet toothbrush and toothpaste.
Introduce the Cat Toothbrush and Toothpaste
Once your cat is already used to having their mouth and teeth touched, you can introduce the toothbrush and toothpaste. To start, put a small amount of toothpaste on your finger and touch your cat’s teeth and gums. Let your cat lick the toothpaste to introduce the flavor.
Next, introduce the cat toothbrush and let your cat sniff it. Let your cat investigate the toothbrush and get them used to having the toothbrush around their mouth.
You can then put a small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush and then let your cat lick the toothpaste from there. Reward your cat by offering them a treat so that they can associate the supplies with positive things.
Remember that the goal here is to allow your cat to get used to the taste and feel of the pet toothpaste and toothbrush, not to brush their teeth yet. Once they have become familiar with both the toothpaste and toothbrush, you can begin brushing your cat’s teeth.
Brush Your Cat’s Teeth
You can start slowly and try brushing a few of your cat’s teeth. You can start with your cat’s front teeth, and after your cat accepts having a few of their teeth brushed, you can work your way to the back and do a full cleaning. Brush your cat’s teeth gently in a circular motion. Brush using slow, gentle strokes.
Reward Your Cat
Remember that the goal is to make teeth cleaning a positive experience for your cat. You want your cat to remember teeth cleaning as something good, not something traumatic. So, make sure to reward your cat. Offer them praise or give them treats or toys. Reward your cat during and after the teeth cleaning session.
For instance, after cleaning the front of their teeth, offer them praises or treats to keep things positive. This will also help motivate them. After successfully doing a full cleaning, reward your cat again so that they will view teeth cleaning as a positive experience.
Important Things to Remember When Cleaning Your Cat’s Teeth

When cleaning your cat’s teeth at home, it’s important to take note of the following:
Choose the Right Time and Place to Clean Your Cat’s Teeth
Pick a time of the day that is quiet and make sure to set aside enough time for cleaning your cat’s teeth (remember, you shouldn’t be in a hurry when doing so). Find a comfortable, quiet place to brush your cat’s teeth and avoid places with loud noises.
You wouldn’t want your cat to get distracted while you clean their teeth, so consider the time and place when you decide to clean your cat’s teeth.
Keep Things Positive
Whether you are cleaning your cat’s ears, cutting your cat’s nails, or cleaning their teeth at home, it’s important to make these experiences positive for them.
Since the goal is to give your cat a good teeth-cleaning experience, you should keep things positive throughout the entire cleaning session. Offer treats and rewards from time to time. Maintain a positive attitude and demeanor while cleaning your cat’s teeth.
Don’t Rush Things, Be Patient!
Cleaning your cat’s teeth isn’t very easy. In fact, you may not accomplish all the steps mentioned in this blog in a single day. It might take a lot of time before your cat gets accustomed to you handling their mouth. It may also take a lot of time until they get familiar with the toothbrush and toothpaste.
Some of the steps may take days, and it can also take weeks until you can fully clean all your cat’s teeth in a single session. So, be patient and take things slowly. Don’t rush things when cleaning your cat’s teeth.
Teeth cleaning requires patience, but if you have difficulty cleaning your cat’s teeth at home, you can always reach out to professional groomers.