
How to Calm a Feral Cat: 7 Possible Ways

How to Calm a Feral Cat: 7 Possible Ways

Sep 3, 2022

How to Calm a Feral Cat
How to Calm a Feral Cat

A wild cat left unattended by its original owner and has returned to a life of wandering is referred to as a feral cat. It’s crucial to remember that since feral cats are not domesticated, one should only handle them with extreme caution. 

However, they make excellent companions if properly cared for, and numerous groups seek to assist stray cats in need.

Are feral cats suitable as pets? Yes, but getting along with them might not be simple. Wild cats frequently won’t let you approach them, much less touch them. If you look a feral cat in the eye, it may even flee! Over time you must put efforts into calming down a feral cat for it to become more friendly with you and other people. This article covers how to calm a feral cat that has never been around people.

Let’s understand how you can calm a feral cat:

Do not force yourself on them

You’ll frighten a feral cat if you try to force yourself on it. Give the cat some time to interact with you; that’s what you should do to reassure it that it can trust you. Speak to it well when it makes an effort to be close to you.

Use food to gain trust

Food is the initial secret to winning over your new cat’s trust and eventual affection. Cats domesticate themselves to ensure a consistent supply of food. You must maintain a consistent feeding schedule for a short time to teach your cat that you are always the one who brings tasty food. Sit in the room while the feral cat eats once they are at ease enough to do so (this shouldn’t take too long).

Help them get used to people

A feral cat may find the sounds people create frightening throughout their daily lives. Even human conversation can be loud and threatening, as can doors opening and closing and cars starting. 

You are probably already feeding a feral cat if you are attempting to capture it or tame it. As infants concentrate more on their food during meals than on their surroundings, this is a perfect moment to introduce them to other noises. Start gently by pacing yourself and speaking quietly. Do not slam doors; instead, open and close them. The cat may become so alarmed by excessive noise that they decide not to return.

Give them space

It would be best if you respected the needs of your cat. If it wants to stay away, then you should give it space. Never force a feral cat to be near or around you anytime. It will attack if the cat feels threatened or violates its territory. Take your time: Give your cat time to get used to you. Do not try to force a feral cat into being a pet right away. Allow the cat time to adjust and feel comfortable in its new home.

Spend time with them

Spend time with the cat in the new home once you’ve given him some time to adjust. If you want to avoid getting scratched or bitten by the cat, it’s a good idea to wear long sleeves, pants, gloves, and shoes.

To create a routine, aim to interact with the cat simultaneously every day. Avoid rushing up to the cat or making loud noises. It’s a good idea to keep your distance from the cat’s eyes, so they don’t feel threatened. Please sit down and spend an hour or two with the cat to help them get acquainted with you as often as possible.

Playing with the cat after they feel secure around you is a fantastic idea. Purchase a few cat toys, such as a plush mouse or a string and feather toy. Introduce the toy to the cat gradually, so they understand it poses no threat. After that, use the toy to get the cat to talk to you.

Be patient

Cats follow their timelines. Even though our natural tendency is to want to see results immediately, this is unlikely to happen. Older cats are harder to tame and calm down than young kittens. That is because older feral cats are frequently too accustomed to their wild lifestyle to domesticate properly. Kittens are less scared since they are less experienced and more interested.

When attempting to soothe a feral cat, it’s crucial to start slowly. Getting a cat to visit a feeding bowl adjacent to your home may take days or weeks. You might need to wait a few more weeks before you can stay in the same place without them scurrying away. You have a better chance of succeeding if you are more patient.

Invite the cat inside

If you have a comfortable feral cat around you, you can invite it inside. That will help keep the cat safe from predators and other dangers that lurk outside in your yard. You should also provide food, water and shelter for your new pet.

Remember that it can take some time for your feral cat to get used to its new home, especially if you have other pets or children. It would help if you also kept an eye on your new pet for signs that it may be stressed or unhappy, such as excessive meowing or scratching. If this happens, then there is a good chance that your cat needs more time alone before interacting with humans again.

Congratulations, you have devised a plan to tame your feral cat or kitten! You are making a sage decision for your new cat. Taming and socializing a feral cat can be done! You will find a right and wrong way to go about it, but the rewards are worth your time.