Sep 29, 2022
Do you take your dog out often? Dogs, primarily indoors, get stressed and develop cognitive impairment, but taking them out of doors isn’t enough. You have to give them an enriching environment.
You could provide a pen, but this is not enough for them. If your dog wants to experience all the positive effects of being outside, you must get a good run with some pet obstacles and challenges.
Outdoor playtime is vital for our dogs! One of the main reasons people get house pets is to ensure that they get proper exercise.
It doesn’t matter if you’re at work or didn’t feel like crating your dog — a dog that doesn’t get to go outdoors regularly can develop behavioral issues that can lead to a less-than-ideal situation regarding pet ownership.
Here is why you should give your dog more outdoor playtime.
You Will Keep Them Mentally Healthy

Dogs, like people, may become bored quickly. It’s even worse if you’re a pet parent who needs to leave your pet at home while you go to work.
Playing with your dog relieves mental dullness and stimulates their brain. Throwing a ball and having them fetch it helps to develop their focus and discipline.
Because games rely on certain simple principles, such as “you must bring the frisbee back if you want to continue playing,” they allow your dog to make their own decisions and help them focus. Including a few fast games in your dog’s routine is a great way to guarantee your dog receives an excellent mental workout every day.
You’ll Promote Their Physical Well Being as Well as Yours

Everyone needs some form of exercise in their daily lives. It aids in the maintenance of a healthy body, among other things. Dogs are no exception since they require training to maintain good health.
Because they may be lying down all day while you are at work, being able to play or move around will assist in preserving their healthy organs and lubricating their joints.
Obesity is just as bad for dogs as it is for humans, causing many health issues.
Regular outdoor exercise aids in the maintenance of a healthy body weight and the overall health of the dog.
Obesity is just as bad for dogs as it is for humans, causing many health issues. Regular outdoor exercise aids in the maintenance of a healthy body weight and the overall health of the dog.
A few extra 5–10 minute play sessions can make a significant difference.
Frisbee and flirt pole games are physically demanding, so incorporating them into your regular training programme will ensure your dog gets enough daily activity.
You’ll Bond with Your Dog

Going out with your dog, whether for a simple stroll or to play in a nearby park, will help you get closer to them. It’s one of the numerous advantages of playing with your dog.
Spending quality time with your favorite dog might enhance your love and bond with them. You allow them to have fun while also earning their trust and loyalty.
Exercising and playing with your pet is a pleasurable experience that alleviates pet stress and promotes calm. It’s a one-of-a-kind encounter that allows you to spend time with your pet and give your dog your undivided attention while doing something it enjoys. This is a vital component of bonding with and trusting your pets.
Regular time outside gives your dog exposure to fresh air.

Outdoor air quality is often better than interior air quality, depending on where you live, unless on hot, humid days when smog may be a concern. Otherwise, unless you live a green lifestyle and use primarily natural materials and cleaners in your home, you and your dog could be exposed to various indoor air toxins, ranging from household cleaners to chemicals that off-gas from plastics, carpets, and upholstery.
If you allow your dog to spend some time outside every day, you will limit the amount of time he is exposed to these poisons.
Sunlight is a valuable source of natural vitamin D for your dog.

Spending time in the sun will give your dog an extra boost of this vital vitamin, which is essential for bone health and helps maintain the proper calcium to phosphorus ratio in the body. While sleeping near a bright window can assist, the glass absorbs some of the sun’s energy, so it isn’t as effective as sleeping outside.
Remember that there is such a thing as too much sun, especially if your dog is light-colored, has a pink nose, or has a thin coat. Skin cancer can occur in dogs.
Remember, before you let your dog outdoors, you will need to get some essentials for your dog.
Besides everything we’ve mentioned above, don’t forget to plan plenty of physical exercise, especially outdoors. Your dog needs to get all that energy out somehow! And remember, a tired dog is a good dog, so go on and play fetch, tug-of-war, or go for that long walk around the neighbourhood.
For outdoor barkers, try putting them on a leash and letting them explore different areas in your community.
The more you do this, the more other dogs and people they’ll see. While you are away from home, your dog may become less excitable and even socialize with other dogs. Of course, you can always call or email us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s teeth cleaning treatment!
But I don’t have time!

Do not worry; we at The Barking Lot have got you covered. Based on your puppy’s size and temperament, The Barking Lot has created the ideal schedule for it. Our aim at The Barking Lot is to assist you in teaching your dog manners like heeling, sitting, and stay because we are dog lovers.
Our 18,000 square-foot facility provides plenty of room for our guests to play inside, in a fully air-conditioned play area, and outside, in shaded parks. The primary concern at our full-service daycare is safety.
To give you peace of mind that your most excellent companions are in capable hands, we have taken great care to carefully choose the best and most qualified Care Crew who will supervise your furry friend while in our care 24/7.
In addition, we share daily videos with you so you can join in the fun!
We offered curbside service when you thought things couldn’t get better. Let us come to you when you’re in a rush for work or in a hurry to catch a flight. Give us a call when you pull up to drop off or pick up your pet, and we will come out as soon as possible.
The Barking Lot aims to have the best customer service since we care about our residents and want them to be happy. You can contact us by phone or email to experience the best dog daycare centre at Al Quoz.