Thank you for choosing The Barking Lot (TBL) and treating your pet. We are here to cater to your pets’ daycare, boarding, grooming and transportation needs. 


In order to be admitted to TBL for daycare and boarding, we require the following: 

  1. A completed Registration Form 

  2. Official updated vaccination records and microchip number 

  3. An up to date VacciCheck report 

  4. A signed copy of TBL’s Service Level Agreement 

Hours and Pick Up/Drop Off Policy 

Our regular business hours: Monday – Saturday 6.30am to 8.00pm. Sundays – 7.00am to 7.00pm 

Hotel/Overnight Check-in and checkout policy: For dogs and cats, standard hotel check-ins are anytime from 10 am to 5 pm. Check-outs are from 10 am to 5 pm. We reserve the right to charge an additional daycare charge of AED 90 if guests are checked out/checked in outside of specified times. 

Daycare Late Policy: Pets must be picked up by 8.00pm Monday to Saturday and by 7.00pm Sunday. All daycare guests staying past business hours will be checked into a suite in the Hotel, and an overnight room charge will apply, unless TBL is informed by 5 pm that a dog will check out late – anytime between 8 pm and 12 am. An AED 50 late check-out fee will apply. This applies only to daycare dogs. Regular boarding policies apply to all Hotel guests. 

Health Policy and Vaccinations 

We require your pet to be fully vaccinated. 

For dogs, the vaccinations required are against Bordetella (kennel cough), Rabies, and DHPP. For all vaccinations, a three day waiting period is required after the vaccination has been administered. 

All cats need to be vaccinated for Tri-cat (Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia) and Rabies. Although not compulsory we also recommend Antifungal and Feline Chlamydia Vaccination. 

Each time your pet is brought to TBL, you are recertifying that the pet is in good health and has not had any communicable illness of any kind. Failure to inform us of this can lead to permanent expulsion from TBL. 

In the event of a medical emergency, TBL will make every reasonable effort to reach you and the designated Emergency Contact on file for further instruction. If we are unable to reach either of you, we will seek appropriate veterinary care on your behalf, and you accept full responsibility for any and all associated expenses, including transportation to the clinic. In the event of serious illness and you and your Emergency Contact are unreachable, the veterinary surgeon's decision will be final. 

Flea & Internal Parasite Control 

Every guest must be under an effective form of flea & tick control treatment. If external parasites are discovered upon check-in, we will get in touch with you to discuss the options of treatment depending on the severity of the case. De-worming must be done every three months. If internal parasites are discovered during a guest's stay, treatment and additional private suite charges may apply. 

Photographs and Recording 

TBL has your authorization to use your pet’s images and recorded material on our website and other social media platforms, newsletters and other materials. 

Temperament Assessment 

To ensure the safety of all other guests and employees, all guests must undergo a free assessment test before taking part in socialisation activities at TBL. This is a day long process without you in which we assess whether your dogs’ temperament. Displays of any guarding, aggression, or inappropriate behavior in a daycare setting can lead to lack of admission to TBL. TBL reserves the exclusive right to decline participation or to terminate the involvement in activities to any dog at any time for any reason. 

Private Accommodations 

If we find that your dog is not social with other dogs, or requires one-on-one attention, for the safety of our guests, he/she will be required to stay in a private suite and participate in our Wellness Program, which offers private play sessions and walks. Additional fees may apply. Please note that TBL has sole discretion on whether dogs may take part in social activities. 


Dogs must be on a leash at all times during drop off and pick up. Owners are free to visit their dog at any time during the day. 

Guests in Heat 

Guests in heat will not be accepted to daycare. For boarding, we require that dogs in heat stay in a private suite for added privacy, ventilation and to keep other guests comfortable. These dogs will enjoy two one-on-one walks with a TBL staff member each day. Female guests in heat can stress and disturb the environment and other guests staying at the hotel. Therefore, if a female guest begins her heat while boarding and requires additional attention, an additional AED 50 per day fee applies. 

Personal Belongings 

TBL provides bedding and bowls for all guests that stay overnight with us. That said, you're welcome to bring your pet's favorite blanket, toy or any item with a familiar scent, provided they are clearly labelled. Please limit to two items. Since a boarding environment is very different from the pet's usual home, TBL cannot guarantee their condition upon check-out. 


Owners are encouraged to bring their own brand of pet food as most pets are sensitive to sudden dietary changes. Please provide ample food for your pet's entire stay. If your dog requires medication, please make sure it is labelled and that dosage instructions are included. An AED 20 fee may apply for special meal preparation involving cooking and/or thawing of meals or medication application. 

Payment/Cancellations/Holiday Stays 

TBL accepts cash, credit and debit cards. In the event of cancellation, please notify TBL at least 24-hours in advance of check-in, else a credit will not be issued. For Hotel reservations during Peak seasons, we require payment 100% upfront. TBL does not issue refunds. Therefore, any over-paid accounts may be used and transferred to the daycare, Hotel and grooming services offered at TBL within a six month period, except during Peak seasons. Accounts are not transferable to other clients. If a guest is not picked up within seven days of the due date, they will be dealt with at TBL’s discretion. You understand that you may lose ownership of your pet under the circumstances. TBL reserves the right to keep the guests in the facilities until all outstanding fees are cleared. 

Assumption of Risk 

Although every guest is closely monitored by TBL staff to prevent injury, it is still possible in the course of normal dog play that your dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from rough play. Any injuries will be explained and pointed out by qualified staff immediately. TBL is not a sterile environment and from socialization and all its benefits there are also risks associated, possible injury, including but not limited to exposure to parasites, viruses, and other medical conditions passed from dog to dog; sprains, strains, bites, fatigue, dehydration, nicks or cuts. Not every potential risk can be listed above. In case of an emergency you give permission to TBL to perform first aid treatment in your dog. You understand that TBL will not be liable financially or otherwise for injuries to your dog or any personal property while your dog is participating in TBL’s activities. You will assume full financial responsibility and all liability for any expenses involved with the behaviour of your dog. 

Miscellaneous Provision 

This written agreement constitutes our entire and only agreement and there are no oral agreements or understandings except as provided for in this agreement. We reserve the right to use photographs or video footage of your pet taken during their stay. These images may be used for marketing materials, either in print form or on the internet. This agreement will remain in effect for any current or future pets you may bring to TBL until the time it may be updated.